Observations of the Ill(Poem # 44)

I was ill for the last few days,

and I locked myself in my room so no one else would fall ill,

and feel as shitty as I did.

But today,

I dragged myself out of bed and went outside,

went on with my life,

even though I still feel weak and tired,

but I was “well enough to go to class”,

which really isn’t that much better of a state,

really it is just a state of “I won’t get anyone else sick now”…

But you know what I noticed,

people are always soooo busy,

They walk to class,

heads down,

or chatting,

going here,

going there…

but never really going anywhere.

You see in my three days of locking myself in my room to be alone,

I found that I lived most when I had my brief moments with people,

when I could just sit down and enjoy someone’s company…

Yet we don’t do that anymore…

We are too worried about being on time,

and appearing at this,

I mean yeah being on time is important,

But people really need to set aside time to just relax

and enjoy the fact that they aren’t alone,

locked in a room,

with minimal contact to the outside world…

They need to enjoy the fact that they are ALIVE AND WELL!